Text tools

A collection of text content related tools to help you create, modify & improve text type of content.

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Text tools

A collection of text content related tools to help you create, modify & improve text type of content.

Text separator

Separate text back and forth by new lines, commas, dots...etc.

Email extractor

Extract email addresses from any kind of text content.

URL extractor

Extract http/https URLs from any kind of text content.

Text size calculator

Get the size of a text in bytes (B), Kilobytes (KB) or Megabytes (MB).

Duplicate lines remover

Easily remove duplicate lines from a text.

Text to speech

Use the Google translator API to generate text to speech audio.

IDN Punnycode converter

Easily convert IDN to Punnycode and back.

Case converter

Convert your text to any kind of text case, such as lowercase, UPPERCASE, camelCase...etc.

Character counter

Count the amount of characters and words of a given text.

List randomizer

Easily convert a list of given text into a randomized list.

Reverse words

Reverse the words in a given sentence or paragraph with ease.

Reverse letters

Reverse the letters in a given sentence or paragraph with ease.

Emojis remover

Remove all the emojis from any given text with ease.

Reverse list

Reverse a list of given text lines.

List alphabetizer

Order text lines in alphabetical order (A-Z or Z-A) with ease.

Upside down text generator

Flip, upside down text with ease.

Old English text generator

Convert normal text to old english font type.

Cursive text generator

Convert normal text to cursive font type.

Palindrome checker

Check if a given word of phrase is palindrome (if it reads the same backwards as forward).


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16 Checker tools
19 Text tools
14 Converter tools
31 Generator tools
11 Developer tools
73 Image manipulation tools
10 Unit converter tools
112 Time converter tools
1190 Data converter tools
48 Misc tools
110 Length units converter tools
90 Weight units converter tools
506 Volume units converter tools
110 Area units converter tools
1056 Force units converter tools
API access
White labeling
3 export features
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